(AT37) As a follow up to our story "Ancient Sacred Symbol Key to Anti-Gravity?", we are listing 21 modern and ancient applications that include in one way shape or form, the swastika symbol. Is there a connection between this ancient symbol and fallen angel technology, as suggested in comments on our first article? By now it should be commonly known that the symbol does not strictly mean Nazism, but rather means something positive and enlightening. The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" (meaning "good" or "auspicious") combined with "asti" (meaning "it is"), along with the diminutive suffix "ka." The swastika literally means "it is good." It was used by early aviators as a good luck sign before WWII. Some would even suggest that the swastika was supposed to represent the X chromosome in the human body, which is why Hitler had his SS Super Soldiers program, but that is merely speculation. We don't want to speculate, we want to investigate. We want to KNOW why it has been used since the dawn of early civilization, and how it could possible play a key role in mankind's future. How deep are you willing to go in exploring the abyss that is you? This article is about the possible ‘apps’ or applications that can be adopted for this 12,000 year old good luck symbol. A symbol that has been negatively maligned within the western consciousness. It soon became clear to me that I would need to find viable applications for such a despised symbol to assist in its reintroduction. The *new* *improved* SS … based on Swastika Science Your dive buddy is your shadow. This kind of deep diving firefight involves knowledge of alchemy and how to quell the raging fire that burns deep within. How deep are you willing to go in exploring the abyss that is you? As a religious symbol, this symbol has countless interpretations, for good reason…its apparent longevity is witness to its acquiring many profound meanings. For ages it has been used to promote religious, spiritual, superstitious, or scientific ideas, the geometric pattern of the swastika has made its way into many varied centers of human thinking. Nano the next dimension … APPLICATIONS for the Swastika PAST PRESENT and the FUTURE (nano applications are in blue) #1 To promote LOVE and PEACE and GOODWILL toward all LIFE big and small … #2 Therapy helping people to come out of darkness #3 NAZI Swastika to incite FEAR and DISGUST #4 FALUN DAFA – Law Wheel Design #5a Shockwave-Generating Wave Discs Could Replace Internal Combustion Engines #5b GE90 engine and Boeing 777 #6 NANO - scale ‘Light Mill’ Spins Motor Using Light #7 Sun Catchers – Chiral Metamaterials #8 Hoberman Sphere - Expansion and Contraction - Inhalation and Exhalation #9 SOUND Hemi-Anechoic Chamber #10 NANO - World Applications *video* #11 SUNGAZING – Helping to Solve the World’s Hunger Problems #12 HUMOUR #13 A Cloaking Device? #14 Circularly polarized light #15 Affordable Housing #16 Molecular SOLOMON’S KNOT #17a Micro - Device for processing molecular clusters of a liquid to NANO-scale #17b Macro - Model for Earth’s Dynamo generating a Magnetic Field #18 S-Shaped Dipole And Swastika Antennas #19 Windpower – VAWT and a Sirius Mystery about Windmills #20 Tornado/Vortex Electricity Generating Plant/Explosion vs Implosion #21 Bible Ink. ‘Logos’ that became Corporate Inc. Logos #1: To Promote Love - Peace - Good Will - Luck towards all life big or small Hawaiian Stone Dice 1-2-3-4 http://www.gamesmuseum.uwaterloo.ca/Archives/Culin/Hawaii1899/games/stonedice.html #2: Therapy #3: To incite fear and disgust And to take control of our heARTS and MiNds. Steven Heller explains, start watching @2:12 in this video for an explanation of how the swastika has been used to play on our E-motions. Not much changed after 50+ years? What about today? How aware are we of its magnetic electric metaphysical charms? As a way of manipulating the herd clearly the evidence is in. In the east the swastika is also used to quell the herd. Swastika as Dynamic Pattern Underlying Psychosocial Power Processes #4 Falan Dafa - Law Wheel Design At his lectures, Li “places” a Falun/SWASTIKA in the abdomen of each attendee. According to Li, “Falun is an intelligent rotating entity composed of high-energy matter. The Falun that I plant in a practitioner’s lower abdomen rotates constantly, twenty-four hours a day.” Falun Dafa’s symbol is a Law Wheel. (the one we see spinning) People with abilities can see that the Law Wheel is turning, and the same goes for our small Law Wheel pins—they’re turning too. We are guided in our cultivation by the nature of the universe, to be True, Good, and Endure. We practice according to the universe’s law of evolution, so what we cultivate is just enormous. In a sense, the Law Wheel design is the universe’s miniature. http://www.swastika-info.com/en/falundafa.php?statictext=falundafa_zhuanfalun Applications page: http://www.swastika-info.com/en/application.ph #5: Shockwave Generating Wave Discs Could Replace Internal Combustion Engines 16-point radiant Black Sun Coincidentally we find 16 direction Compass Rose surrounding the obelisk in St. Peter’s Square. 12-fold rotational swastika These two images are referring to the ‘occult’ Black Sun. WOW what an application for the 15-fold rotational swastika? It is going to replace the internal combustion engine? No wonder they keep this KEY to Universal Movement (swastika) under wraps, VEILeD with so much BS it makes your head spin in two directions. Shockwave-Generating Wave Discs Could Replace Internal Combustion Engines http://www.popsci.com/cars/article/2011 … on-engines re: PERPETUAL MOTION otto cycle vs. asymmetrical rotary engines …I will transfer the info to this forum. If you are going to invent a perpetual motion machine it would be wise to model it after a sun that burns for billions of years or a universe which also has a tendency to expand and contract for an infinity? And these next two images look nearly identical. We know the image on the left is associated with the Shockwave Generating Disc, what is interesting to note is that the image Cory Barnes took of the jet engine is the world’s most powerful in its class. GENERAL ELECTRIC GE-90 The GE90 series are physically the largest engines in aviation history, the fan diameter of the original series being 312 cm (123 in). The largest variant, the GE90-115B, has a fan diameter of 325 cm (128 in). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Electric_GE90 Gee 6eneral ELectric is involved in the high stakes game again. I never ever would have guessed….until I saw this video on ewetube. #6: Nanoscale "Light Mill" Spins Motor Using Light Filmed through water, a silica microdisk embedded with a gold, gammadion-shaped light mill nanomotor rotates in one direction under illumination from laser light at 810 nanometers wavelength. When the wavelength is switched to 1,715 nanometers, the rotational direction is reversed. Torque is produced when the laser light frequencies resonate with the frequencie of the metal’s plasmons. (Movie courtesy of Zhang group) And what do these tiny ‘light mills’ look like? Compare the image on the right with the Jaina Cross and the action taking place between the extended arms…. Can we use the two well defined motions illustrated by both the Nano Light Mill and the pre-Christian Jaina Cross, i.e. the clockwise and anti-clockwise motions to help us understand the difference between EXPLOSIONS and IMPLOSIONS too? Optical forces induced on a light mill motor by an illumination wavelength of 810 nm and 1700 nm. At 810 nm wavelength, light impacts the outer side of the arms, inducing a counterclockwise torque on the motor. At 1700 nm, light passes through the gaps and impacts the elbow of the motor, providing a clockwise torque. (Courtesy: Zhang group) http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/43126 But in the image above take a look at the shadow that the swastika casts! Does it look like the Hebrew Aleph? Yes of course it does. So is the SWASTIKA which is definitely a SOLAR symbol in some way involved in the ‘powering’ of the sun? Yes we have another profound coincidence or in fact is it part of the design that the very important first letter of the Hebrew alphabet ‘aleph’ is shaped like the very famous Hertzsprung-Russell diagram which documents the evolution of ‘stars’? So we have a narrative about the life cycle of stars connected directly to the shape of the all-important Hebrew aleph-bet. #7: Sun Catcher - Chiral Metamaterials Chiral metamaterials generally consist of arrays of planar metallic or dielectric gammadions on a substrate, where, if linearly polarized light is incident on the array, it becomes elliptically polarized upon interaction with the gammadions with the same handedness as the gammadion itself. A chiral structure such as a gammadion is defined as a shape with a certain handedness (left or right), which cannot be brought into congruence with the opposite handedness unless they are removed from the plane. This has the effect that if light is shone from one direction onto the array, the resulting polarization is left or right elliptically polarized, and if light is shone from the opposite direction onto the array, the resulting polarization is the opposite handed elliptical polarization to the other direction. Optical structures artificially engineered on a mezoscopic level such as photonic bandgap crystals, periodically altered dielectric materials and microsculptured films are attracting tremendous attention because of their potential importance in optoelectronic technologies. These artificial structures with unique electromagnetic properties are known as metamaterials. These metamaterials, which can in principle be synthesized by embedding or including various constituents of novel geometrical shapes and forms in some host media, possess exciting features and interesting electromagnetic properties. They are not easily available in nature but are physicallyrealizable, and they have new potential applications in the design of optical devices and components. #8: Hoberman Sphere - Expansion and Contraction - Exhalation and Inhalation A Hoberman sphere is not a true sphere, but a polyhedron known as an icosidodecahedron. The Hoberman sphere can be unfolded by allowing certain members to spread apart. This can be accomplished by feeding out a string or cable in the larger models. The operation of each joint is linked to all the others in a manner conceptually similar to the extension arm on a wall-mounted shaving mirror. Clearly the shape of the swastika (6-leg version) plays a critical role in the operation of this sphere. Note the 16 point configuration is similar to the 16 wind Compass Rose that we find in St. Peter’s Square. larger image: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Codex4/ Sacred%20Swastika%20Science/SwastikaHobermansphere.jpg Chuck Hoberman http://www.hoberman.com/home.html Kinetic Structures http://www.philipvaughan.net/public.html #9: Sound - Hemi-Anechoic Chamber BELL LAB SOUND STAGE 1940s and a Hemi-Anechoic Chamber Provides a precise free-field environment used to measure sound sources over a reflecting plane. http://www.ets-lindgren.com/Hemi-Anechoic Applications ETS-Lindgren hemi-anechoic chambers are designed for applications that require precise acoustic measurements need to optimize product design and performance of:
#10: Nanoworld Applications @ 3:26 PAUSE and we see what I have identified as the ‘SEED PATTERN‘ (can anybody translate this video for me? It might pay off in a big way if somebody can….) @ 5:51 PAUSE and compare to the LAPLAND swastika. @ 6:49 PAUSE guess where that image fits into? Any IDEA? Scroll down and compare that image with ‘St Peter’s Square and the Mandelbrot Set Our ancestors knew about FRACTALS?! @ 7:27 We see the title of this film and it is called NANOWORLD (and here we have another powerful confirmation of what appears to be part of what has been vEILed by placing it in plain view!! #11: Sungazing Helping to Solve the World’s Hunger Problems? Hira Ratan Manek teaches how we can live on just the energy of sunlight and water. He has eaten solid food just five to seven times in the last 10 years. He once fasted under 24-hour medical supervision for more than 200 consecutive days. #12: Humour I just had a thought to add to another thought I had earlier. WHAT IF we can ‘recover’ an archetypal MEme info from both the EM fIELd and maybe also by going inward to the NANO scale too. After all that is where we encounter with the greatest frequency the ‘symmetrical sacred geometric shapes’ found in all of our heARTS but not, or rarely in nature. AHA! Now I think this film The Producers set the stage for the re-entry of the swastika back into the dark heARTS of western sheeple and seegullibLIES through the back door called HUMOUR, because Laughter really really is the Best Medicine in life. I learned that as a child reading Reader’s Digest sitting on the toILEt. (btw I was warned you are never to take a sacred text into a ‘dirty room’ for contemplation…) *on this next video I do need to attach a warning re: excessive offensive/to some language in the subtitles* #13: A Cloaking Device? Zhang’s Laboratory at Berkeley: http://xlab.me.berkeley.edu/ In the above image note b is in fact the same grid pattern that we find in the SEED pattern that I have documented, here are two examples: Finding other SEED examples extending back to at least 5000 BCE. (image below left) But note the image on the right a.k.a. St. Brigid’s Cross is a definite match, the four wheat sheaves being cognizant with the four tails of the birds on the plate from Samarra Iraq. The simplicity of the SEED pattern is found as a weave in all creatures great and small. It is the weave that helps weave us in fact from the quantum/nano level up, from the inside out. Its simplicity suggests why nature carries this design forward just like genes. It is efficient. It is simple. The SEED pattern is essentially a MEME that has worn many cloaks. Now the swastika which has its genesis in the SEED pattern is pulling its final act. The invisibility cloak does the goosestep down za runway! Don’t ya see Frodo, its all been written…the Emperor does in fact get to wear a garment that is invisible through the town square…hahaha AMAZINGLY the SEED pattern we find as switches for chiral metamaterials are even a match for the Pythagorean theorem found in China that might in fact predate the birth of Pythagoras. (image below left) But in the image below, the Greek Ionic volute spiral essentially links the SEED pattern to the actions of nature. Note the KEY comprised of a 6×6 grid that is located in the center to assist you in drawing the geometry. #14: Circularly polarized light used in 3D movies Researchers have designed the FIRST emitter of circularly polarized light made from a stand-alone semiconductor device. Circularly polarized light, which is used in 3D movies, has its electric field vector rotating like a clock hand. It’s typically produced by sending light through a filter, but now a team has created a small, solid device that emits partially circularly polarized light, as they describe in the 4 February Physical Review Letters. If this semiconductor technology can be further perfected, it could be used in devices that help biochemists control protein synthesis or help physicists control electrons in spintronics–a futuristic type of electronics. http://physics.aps.org/story/v27/st4 REALLY and what does it look like? Are you really that shocked by now? LOL. #15: Affordable Housing - 1K House Prototype The first prototype to emerge from the 1K House studio at MIT is a modular home constructed in the Sichuan Province of China. The Pinwheel House features standardized construction and assembly to build basic, affordable housing in rural areas of developing countries. The project was designed by Ying Chee Chui, a New York architect and 2011 graduate of MIT’s Department of Architecture. Originally designed to be constructed with solid earth block wall and bamboo, the prototype features an earthquake resistant structure made of reinforced brick walls and wooden box beams. The 800 square foot Pinwheel House is made of four room modules around a central courtyard. The modules and the courtyard can be reorganized within a nine square grid to create different configurations and layouts. #16: Molecular Solomon's Knot - Self Organization Leads to Intertwined Molecular Rings “Although various molecular species compete with each other in solution, the Solomon’s knot wins out during the crystallization process simply because it crystallizes better.” http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/12/061215122349.htm #17a: A Device For Measuring Molecular Clusters of a Liquid to NANO-scale A device for processing molecular clusters of a liquid to nano-scale is provided and includes a stirring chamber having a hexagonal (or octagonal) column space; a plurality of first stirring modules, each of which has at least one first stirring blade having a left-handed swastika shape (or right-handed swastika shape) for pushing a liquid to flow; and a plurality of second stirring modules, each of which has at least one second stirring blade having a right-handed swastika shape (or left-handed swastika shape) for pushing the liquid to reversely flow. Thus, molecular clusters of the liquid are collided with each other under a condition with high temperature, high pressure and high stirring speed, until the particle diameter of the molecular clusters is reduced to a nano-scale. http://www.google.com/patents/US20100202247 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2010/0202247.html http://www.freepatentsonline.com/20100202247.pdf So of the next two images which one is the MOLECULAR NANO Blender? The one on the LEFT or the one on the RIGHT? What if they are actually both representations of ‘blenders’. One on the NANO scale and the other on the MACRO level. So which is which? Keep reading to find out for certain. Okay then the first image on the LEFT actually concerns itself with the structure of the earth, regarding the DYNAMO that contributes to the existence of our EM fIELd. That means the next image is a schematic of the Molecular Nano Vortex blender. The above information about the Swastika Molecular Nano Blender was submitted by mister Ed von Rothstein, yeah I know he sounds rather royal. #17b: Model for Earth's Dynamo and our Magnetic Field While watching this video I noticed a PATTERN regarding the fluctuating magnetic fields. Go to the time indicated in the video, start watching/listening starting around 20:00, the above graph appears @20:31. I happen to notice how the graph plotting the Global Magnetic Field seemed to follow the same ups and downs as the 4 AGES modEL I have been documenting for some time now. What I find most amusing is how in the past I have found that the 4 AGES ModEL could also be used as a model to represent an atom on the atomic scale to larger solar systems, precession of the equinoxes cycle, the New Atlantis and now it also helps us predict our fluctuating magnetic field, like you would predict a new coming season with its associated weather patterns…. PhDUH why not? So I added a few things to this graph to highlight how the global magnetic field appears to be a match for the 4 AGES modEL depicted on the Greek Zodiacal Cross (below), which is itself a synthesis of the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 4 elements water, air, earth, and fire. First thing I did was convert the zodiac signs to their position on the zodiac wheel starting with Aries as #1 Which helps us identify the number groups that by coincidence are a match for the keypad on our cell phones, the 3×4 grid of the breastplate of the High Priest and the 3×4 grid associated with the angel Raziel which has profound esoteric connections to Adam, Eve, and a book of secrets… And those number groups when plotted on this graph seem to follow a PATTERN that matches the three number groups. _1 – 4 – 7 – 10 appear nearer the troughs/valleys 2 – 5 – 8 – 11 3 – 6 – 9 – 12 appear as the peaks Which is a match for the Precession cycle as depicted by the order of the zodiac signs on the Greek Zodiac cross or as plotted on the graph of the global magnetic field. The resulting shape/form that when you join the dots has been identified as LSD or Solomon’s Knot. LSD was found in many churches and is a blueprint for the New Atlantis and is found on the MOLECULAR level too. LSD can be associated to the 4 Evangelists, the 4 Mayan Bacab, the 4 Sons of Horus, and King Solomon on the molecular level too! Earlier I had mentioned MOLECULAR BLENDERS and EARTHLY DYNAMOS. Below are two of the four rotor blades from my garden tiller. Do you see a resemblance to everything thus far discussed? It does appear this shape is associated with chopping and blending and mixing. But isn’t it all so obvious? #18: S-shaped Dipole and Swastika Antennas #19: Windpower & Hidden Microphones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nsno1LW4N-o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg7hxaPAjnw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdMGdF9g490 #20: Tornado Power - Implosion vs. Explosion - Vortex Electricity Generating Plant Vortex can be easily created at rotation of fluid or gas and if the conditions of rotation at top and bottom of the device are unequal, it is nearly a ready self-sustaining system. Not much of energy is necessary to make the process continuous. And what is more, the vortex absorbs energy from environment in the form of heat! very interesting website and claims being made: http://evgars.com/shauberg1.htm “One more Schauberger’s device is presented at Fig. 21. There are some changes along the section A-A. Combustion products are drawn to the center of swirling and then they are divided in two flows: the first flow goes upward, creating the vortex, and the second goes downward, making the motive force of the device. Motor-generator is placed on the upper part of the device. It operates as a starter of the process at first and as generator of energy, after it reaches regime of tornado. Let me remind of the fact that this engine uses energy, which is generated as a result of fuel combustion (i.e. in any case, a kind of liquid fuel is required). Schauberger asserts that it is sufficient to use air and water as fuel.” Fig. 14 Electrostatic model of tornado (sorry – wrong polarizations!) I see an Electrostatic Swastika working behind the scenes … what do you see? #21: Bible Ink. Logos that Became Corporate Logos ….still much much more to come….as science continues to comprehend and copy nature MORE swastika insights will follow naturally what else would you expect nature to yield? The swastika belongs to that category of symbols that represents what makes the world go round… I KNOW that is an inevitable course of events. The recovery of what ‘just is’. That is ONE PROMISE that I know in my heART will be fulfilled. Because when you are sitting on a treasure you know what you have, and the treasure hunters will soon come looking for you. But there is nothing to hide when a system comes to know itself. You cannot hide what ‘just is’ forever. The truth about the TRUTH is that it …‘just is’... FAQ: Nanotechnology
The seven most-asked questions about nanotechnology, answered by New Scientist‘s in-house experts.
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