Do Free Energy and Consciousness Seem Unrelated?
In actuality, zero-point scientists and engineers perceive a high degree of interrelatedness between free energy and consciousness. This relationship has up to now escaped the normal view — but it's important. The relationship between consciousness and zero-point energy affects our ability to manifest a free-energy technology in our world. And our understanding of this relationship will eventually change our world in fundamental ways — ways that most would find hard to believe. Peter Lindemann said, "There is really only ONE FORCE preventing the public availability of free energy technology, and that is the unspiritually-motivated behavior of the human animals." But he makes it clear that when free energy does appear in the public domain, it will mark "the dawning of a truly civilized age." So the quality of human spirituality is the first part of an equation that will determine whether or not free energy becomes part of our future. But there is a second part, and that involves the way in which consciousness itself is involved in zero-point energy. In this respect, human consciousness is more — much more — than just an isolated electromagnetic phenomenon emitted from the human brain, for it interacts with All That Is in profound ways. Free Energy and a Healthy Environment It is obvious to most researchers that if ZPE or any clean free-energy device were to take hold in the world, the environment would become healthier, since these types of machines do not pollute. But the idea that human spirituality might affect the very release of free energy in the first place is new to most people. I would like now to make clear the concept that cleaning pollution from the Earth has the very same restraints as making free energy available has. Human spirituality and higher consciousness are necessary if the Earth is to become clean again. And I am not the first one to make this statement. We pointed out that the United Nations itself has come to this very same conclusion: Spirit of Ma'at August 2001 Editorial: "In June of 1992, governmental bodies from almost every country in the world came together in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Here, the greatest scientific minds on earth were assembled to discuss the seriousness of the global situation. Their intent was to join forces, pinpoint the problems, determine the extent of the damage, and then find solutions. "They did not find solutions. Or, rather, they did not find solutions that could be implemented by governmental or scientific bodies. It was going to take, they discovered, the cooperation of all of us, and a change in our mindset, to reverse the destruction of our planet. And they listed 27 principles which, if followed by the peoples of the world, could bring about the return of environmental balance. (See Rio Conference Document.)" This change in our mindset to reverse the destruction of our planet is the same change in our mindset that will allow free energy to emerge in everyday life. Read the Rio Conference Document and it becomes clear. As the United Nations affirmed, eliminating poverty and caring for our brother and sister are essential for there to be environmental health. It seems it is also necessary for free energy and ZPE to be released to the world. We all need to care about each other.
Posted by Kate D. in Consciousness, 5D, Disclosure Earth moves in a region of the galaxy, which leads to increased cosmic energies affecting our sun and altering human DNA. It is predicted that this will lead to many changes in human society, including the major discoveries of advanced technology, the secret space program and extraterrestrial life. Dr. Simon Atkins, a famous doctor in "Bioelectromagnetics" argues that the Earth and humankind will make a leap in evolution, with an episode of solar eruptions to take place in September. An acceleration and an increase in electromagnetic energy from the sun and other cosmic energies that will take place from late August to late September, to cause, or around September 28, which is described as a " frequency shift "in consciousness. Expected cosmic energy is called "X Wave" (Wave X). We experience a "wave of evolution," says Dr. Simon Atkins. "What we're about to find out at a high level, unheard of in history, scale, is the real answer to the question, "Who are we?" The planet is going to "take off" in such incredible ways," says Atkins. He stated that the exercise Jade Helm, which began on 15 July and runs until 15 September, is the true purpose of obtaining information on the effects of cosmic energies received in order to better manage the changes it triggers in humanity. This exercise is very much linked to the change of frequency in which small states in which exercises are performed, will face a higher frequency in the field in July and August - the aim being to learn from them and manage effects the population of the larger states in September. Intelligence Community of the United States is aware of the potential effects of cosmic energy input and take steps to manage it. Simon Atkins believes that US special services are not the only entities in the world, conscious of incoming cosmic energies, and also take steps to manage it. A frequency change will take place in September in the 23-28 range, which is very significant. This will coincide with the meeting between Pope Francis US President Barack Obama at the White House (September 23), following the Pope to address the US Congress (September 24). Atkins claims that there will be an attempt to use the famous Geneva CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research) to divert this massive wave of energy that will come. After visiting Washington, Pope Francis will address the world's political leaders at the UN General Assembly on 25 September. Vatican Information Service is also aware of this wave of cosmic energies. It's more than a coincidence that the strongest religious and political leaders of the world meet when these energies invade the planet. Effects of Wave X Incoming cosmic energies have profound effects on human DNA and will trigger major discoveries. Atkins argues that some stellar ambassadors stationed on Earth from the Galactic Federation have been appointed delegates to a group of aliens called Being Sphere Alliance. This group came in 2012-2013 with spheres huge size as Neptune, which formed frequency shields around the Sun and solar system. One of the most important functions of these spheres was to adjust the amount of cosmic energy coming into our solar system and the earth so that mankind can integrate better and to prepare for major changes. Among the amendments that will be triggered by the entry of cosmic energies is the release of information on advanced technologies, the secret space program and extraterrestrial life as Corey Goode, a specialist in advanced technologies, known as an empathetic person intuitively described as event "total disclosure". Goode recently announced that the huge size spheres are about to leave our solar system because they have fulfilled their purpose. There are certainly quite a few other events that occur before the latter event, then we will be left on their own. Atkins announces that on September 28, at 11:11, wave X bombard the earth with gamma-photon light particles, traveling at light speed and producing an instantaneous change in DNA. Of the people at a frequency in the Schumann resonance of at least 17 Hz will be propelled in the 5th dimension. The number of people projected to have a rise in the rate is a little over 2.3 billion, and the exact number depends on the collective conscience of humanity to manifest changes. Cosmic energies have begun to enter and spheres acted as buffer blocks them increasingly less. All this suggests that, at the end of September could be a peak moment in which cosmic energy will produce significant changes in human physiology, thereby triggering a growing mass of beings of light who raised their frequencies at high levels of love self.
September 9, 2015 known as "Event Horizon" and is the most important day in human history, says Simon Atkins, stating that this is not the end but the beginning of an ascent mass worldwide, the beings whose vibration passes from the 4th to the 5th dimension. Youtuber Tony Sayers does his part to bring some attention to what he is calling the "Kim Kardashian Effect", an effect he describes that was created by the media to distract the general public and put humanity under mass mind control. Video posted on January 26, 2015. Please have a listen and share this article if it resonates with you. If you or someone you know would like to contribute to our site, please mention that we are looking for guest bloggers and site moderators at ApparentlyApparel.com. Permanent contributors are paid on a per click basis. Learn more here. TODAY'S HOT HEADLINES
Also in today's report we have the latest solar conditions: FRIDAY JAN. 30, 2015 - Solar activity during the past 24 hours remained at moderate levels. Region 2277 produced the strongest X-Ray event, an M2.4 solar flare at 12:16 UTC (Jan 30). Region 2268 was responsible for a pair of M-Flares, including an M2.0 at 00:44 UTC (Jan 30). Neither of these events triggered a coronal mass ejection (CME). Both regions remain magnetically complex and could produce additional solar flares of the moderate to strong variety. All other visible regions were relatively stable. An elevated solar wind stream flowing from a large southern hemisphere coronal hole is predicted to become geoeffective during the next few days (Jan 30-31). Enhanced geomagnetic activity will be possible at high latitudes. Sky watchers, especially around the Arctic Circle should remain alert for visual aurora displays. Posted by G. Hunter The very shape of the pyramid is an amplified-receiver or resonator of various kinds of energy fields, i.e. electro-magnetic waves, cosmic rays, electrical discharges, gravitational waves, etc., surrounding our planet and which are in the air around and within the pyramid. Inside the pyramid the received energies, interact with one another. A pyramid also creates a spherical field like a 3D globe of harmonic vibrations – where the wave patterns are synchronous and rhythmic - around itself. Everything within that field will move towards the harmony. [1] How does the pyramid create a spherical field of harmonic vibrations around itself?
In a magnetic field like the inside of a pyramid, the produced magnetism is in a direction opposite to that of iron where the field-direction is outward from the North pole and inward to the South pole of a magnet. In other words in a pyramid the direction of its magnetic field is outward from the south pole of the pyramid and inwards to the north pole. The pyramid shape generates a spin field from its apex for electrons, meaning that they can move in an angular momentum, i.e. around their own axis. So, if moving or kinetic energy enters the pyramid at the top opening, this can be taken as the north pole of its magnetic field and as the pyramid emits energy from its middle, this can then be taken as the south pole of its magnetic field. Once it entered into the pyramid, the energy bounces from the equal sides of its walls while the five angles of the pyramid project a beam of radiation towards the center where the energy is collected or pooled to form the "fire in the middle" (the word pyramid is translated as 'fire in the middle’). These energies all combine in the center or King’s chamber area of, i.e. the Great Pyramid. The molecules or atoms in this area absorb these energies by resonance. ![]() (AT37) As a follow up to our story "Ancient Sacred Symbol Key to Anti-Gravity?", we are listing 21 modern and ancient applications that include in one way shape or form, the swastika symbol. Is there a connection between this ancient symbol and fallen angel technology, as suggested in comments on our first article? By now it should be commonly known that the symbol does not strictly mean Nazism, but rather means something positive and enlightening. The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" (meaning "good" or "auspicious") combined with "asti" (meaning "it is"), along with the diminutive suffix "ka." The swastika literally means "it is good." It was used by early aviators as a good luck sign before WWII. Some would even suggest that the swastika was supposed to represent the X chromosome in the human body, which is why Hitler had his SS Super Soldiers program, but that is merely speculation. We don't want to speculate, we want to investigate. We want to KNOW why it has been used since the dawn of early civilization, and how it could possible play a key role in mankind's future. How deep are you willing to go in exploring the abyss that is you? This article is about the possible ‘apps’ or applications that can be adopted for this 12,000 year old good luck symbol. A symbol that has been negatively maligned within the western consciousness. It soon became clear to me that I would need to find viable applications for such a despised symbol to assist in its reintroduction. The *new* *improved* SS … based on Swastika Science Your dive buddy is your shadow. This kind of deep diving firefight involves knowledge of alchemy and how to quell the raging fire that burns deep within. How deep are you willing to go in exploring the abyss that is you? As a religious symbol, this symbol has countless interpretations, for good reason…its apparent longevity is witness to its acquiring many profound meanings. For ages it has been used to promote religious, spiritual, superstitious, or scientific ideas, the geometric pattern of the swastika has made its way into many varied centers of human thinking. Nano the next dimension … APPLICATIONS for the Swastika PAST PRESENT and the FUTURE
(nano applications are in blue) #1 To promote LOVE and PEACE and GOODWILL toward all LIFE big and small … #2 Therapy helping people to come out of darkness #3 NAZI Swastika to incite FEAR and DISGUST #4 FALUN DAFA – Law Wheel Design #5a Shockwave-Generating Wave Discs Could Replace Internal Combustion Engines #5b GE90 engine and Boeing 777 #6 NANO - scale ‘Light Mill’ Spins Motor Using Light #7 Sun Catchers – Chiral Metamaterials #8 Hoberman Sphere - Expansion and Contraction - Inhalation and Exhalation #9 SOUND Hemi-Anechoic Chamber #10 NANO - World Applications *video* #11 SUNGAZING – Helping to Solve the World’s Hunger Problems #12 HUMOUR #13 A Cloaking Device? #14 Circularly polarized light #15 Affordable Housing #16 Molecular SOLOMON’S KNOT #17a Micro - Device for processing molecular clusters of a liquid to NANO-scale #17b Macro - Model for Earth’s Dynamo generating a Magnetic Field #18 S-Shaped Dipole And Swastika Antennas #19 Windpower – VAWT and a Sirius Mystery about Windmills #20 Tornado/Vortex Electricity Generating Plant/Explosion vs Implosion #21 Bible Ink. ‘Logos’ that became Corporate Inc. Logos |
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